The recent Rod Stewart “happening” in the church was a huge success, and we owe many thanks to Sharon and Keith who took so much trouble setting everything up and then presenting it on the night. Everyone really, really enjoyed the evening.
Some might wonder what the world is coming to when we have people dancing and singing along to rock-music in a church. They would be missing the point – which is that the very act of bringing so many people together, and having so much fun, is incredibly valuable in this day and age.
It is Rose Ash’s version of the “Raves in the Knave” which have been staged in Exeter for many years, and which have helped to build community spirit and cohesion. Long may it last!
What is more, the event raised £400 for the Bell Restoration Project, which we hope to get underway this spring. This was helped in part by the auction of a wonderful portrait of the great Rod himself, painted by Jill Cronk.
(We are planning a few more music-evenings this year. Themes might include: Mozart, the Last Night of the Proms, the great Brit-pop/rock groups, ABBA etc. If anyone has any ideas for an evening, please get in touch with Caro or anyone on the PCC.)
So - congratulations to Sharon and Keith for giving us such a great time!.
Here are a few photos of the Rodney Stewart evening. It is said that Rod himself was there – not sure if that was actually him – what do you think?