is a community website developed to serve the rose ash community. It's part funded by the parish council who pay for hosting etc. Anyone can write content for the site which we will publish for them, providing it is appropriate.
We've been hard at work adding some functionality to!
Today we pressed the big red deploy button 😱😱 and reams of software code has been released into the wild. Who knows what will happen 🤷.
Added Features
Booking into venues
Book into the village hall
Buying admission to events online
For example for the next film night
Comments welcome!
If anyone is brave enough to click any of the buttons and they don't work or if they have any comments on anything then email our 24/7 support inbox
Coming soon from the laboratory...
Message page owners
A form to send page owners messages and allow them to reply
Default page for some spiel on front page
Will allow configuration for some html of the main landing page
Donate buttons
Configure donate button for pages
Link social network accounts to pages per page
Link your rose ash page to social network accounts and automate posting to them.
More payment gateways and configure gateway per page
Apple pay, stripe etc and let people add their own gateway to their pages.
Edit your event post
When people book allow them to configure and edit a post for the booking.
Integrate with google calendar etc
Newsletters sent per event
Rather than per post, posts and pages can have multiple events, so send newsletter for each event when booking is confirmed.
Add your own subdomain for a whole website
Point your dns at your subdomain -> my for a whole website on your domain
Integrate into static websites
? via htmx widget to allow booking, admissions etc.
Recurring events
Bad Gateway?
If you get this..
Please come back later. It's either bust or we are releasing stuff.