Churchyard Tidy-up

Churchyard Tidy-up
The churchyard before the Big Clear-Up on the 5th October.

A big thank you to everyone who has helped to clear up the churchyard this year. A special thank-you to John Woolacott who cut the "wilding-area" of long grass. It made such a difference on the clear-up day on the 5th October, when a hardcore-team of eight people spent the morning raking grass, trimming hedges and tidying around the church itself.

If you were not able to help on the 5th, please do not despair! You are very welcome, and indeed encouraged, to do your bit for your church, and to go to the churchyard whenever you can and tidy up grass or leaves, as well as to cut back the brambles or brush the paths. If you are able to do so please contact Caro Hammick on 01769 550409 let her know you will be working there, as well as to confirm what you are doing. She will let you know if there are any services or other events which might preclude the use of power tools etc.

Please take care to use all relevelant protective equipment (