COVID-19 Risk At Meetings Statement

Please be assured that Rose Ash Parish Council are closely monitoring the evolution of the Coronavirus situation and the parish council are regularly updating on the situation and on necessary precautions to take.

Meetings in the Village Hall

Meetings will only take place when needed and other forms of communication aren’t suitable to deal with the Parish Council business.

​On entering the village hall please consider and do not enter if you are experiencing any symptons common to COVID – 19 (For example a high temperature or flu like symptons or a cough).

​If in any doubt whether to proceed please ring Tracey on 07974782421

Please enter the village hall in a clean state.  Please santitize your hands on arrival

​The kitchen and toilets will not be available!  Anyone needing a drink please bring in a secure bottle. Please limit belongings and only bring what is necessary for the meeting.

​Please keep to a safe distance recommended 2 metres apart.

​We will only use a chair and no tables will be used.

​We will try and keep time spent in hall to a minimum.

​On leaving please sanitize hands again.

​Please ensure no physical contact with any person and hand shaking is not allowed.

​The wearing of face masks is recommended.


​Rose Ash Parish Council will take the appropriate action to continue providing all councillors, clerk and guests with a healthy environment whilst constantly evaluating the situation and monitoring any knock on effects to the business of the parish council.

​We realise this situation remains very dynamic as information continues to change day – to day.  We will of course keep you updated as the situation evolves.

​We thank you for keeping everyone safe

Mrs T Ayre (Clerk) Rose Ash Parish Council 6th September 2020