
Parish Council

COVID-19 Risk At Meetings Statement

Please be assured that Rose Ash Parish Council are closely monitoring the evolution of the Coronavirus situation and the parish council are regularly updating on the situation and on necessary precautions to take. Meetings in the Village Hall Meetings will only take place when needed and other forms of communication aren’t suitable to deal with the Parish Council business. On entering the vill ..

Parish Council

Probably the most common topics that parish councils get involved with are planning matters (they are statutory consultees), crime prevention, helping local groups, managing open spaces and campaigning for and delivering better services and facilities.

Parish Council Accounts

Please feel welcome to Download and View the Parish Council Accounts for 2019. Any questions regarding the accounts can be addressed directly to the Clerk of the Parish Council, Mrs T Ayre. Rose Accounts 2019 Rose Accounts 2019 .pdf951 KBdownload-circleAIAR 2018_19 Rose Ash PC AIAR 2018_19 Rose Ash PC .pdf2 MBdownload-circleCopy of rose ash ccounts 2019Copy of rose ash ccounts 2019.xlsx18 KBdown ..

Parish Council Information

The next elections for the Parish Council are in May 2023. If you are interested in becoming a parish councillor, please contact Tracey Ayre on 07974 782421 Notice of Election & Nomination Papers DISTRICT & PARISH ELECTIONS 4th May 2023   NOTICE OF ELECTION  AND  NOMINATION PAPERS  Notices of Election Please find below the Notice of Election for the District Elections and Notice of Election ..

Rose Ash Parish Council Declarations of Registerable Interests

Below are the Declarations of Registerable Interests for the Parish Councillors for Rose Ash Parish: Barbara Pritchard Declaration file for Barbara PritchardDeclaration file for Barbara Pritchard.pdf408 KBdownload-circle David Henry Fergie dc1d01_3213fec13f8847bd9d0b6488587ce4f4dc1d01_3213fec13f8847bd9d0b6488587ce4f4.pdf3 MBdownload-circle Denis Richard Cronk Declaration file for Denis Ri ..

Rose Ash Parish Council Equality and Diversity Policy

Rose Ash Parish Council Equality and Diversity PolicyAdopted and Approved at the Meeting of the Parish Council on Friday 13th September 2019 1. Aims 1.1 The aim of this policy is to communicate the commitment of Rose Ash Parish Council, its Members and Officers to meeting the Public Sector Equality Duty, which came into force on 5 April 2011. The Equality Duty applies to public bodies and other ..

Dog Behaviour

Please stop all dogs from fouling the village green and keep them under control.

Financial Statements 2024

financial-statements-2024financial-statements-2024.pdf182 KBdownload-circle

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 Form 2

Please use the link to view this parish council document